
This website provides useful information such key terms, formulae, tips & tricks on all Numerical Aptitude topics.

What is Numerical Aptitude?

You must have heard about the terms Aptitude and Ability. Aptitude is inborn potential to do certain kinds of work, whereas, Ability is the knowledge or understanding developed through learning. Quantitative Aptitude means the ability to solve numerical and mathematical calculations. Numerical Ability is generally related to numbers. Here, you will find tips and tricks to develop your numerical ability and enhance your quantitative aptitude. Thus, you will get a combination of Quantitative Aptitude + Numerical Ability to generate Numerical Aptitude.

How to explore information on this website?

You may explore the topics serially from list of topics with latest updates provided on the right side of every page. There is also a “Topics” menu where you can select a particular topic of your choice. Clicking on the particular topic in list of topics at right side of each page or on the topic from the topics sub menu will navigate to the clicked topic page. The topic pages generally contains the following:

  • Description of the topic
  • General terms related to the topic
  • Formulae associated with the topic
  • Some common problems on the topic with examples

How is it useful?

You can reference this website for practicing and developing Numerical Aptitude for scoring well in aptitude tests, competitive exams such as government job exams or campus selections, Olympiad, or even to enhance your overall intelligence by enhancing aptitude.

You can also refer this website to quickly revise mathematical formulae before your exam.

Note: As of now, this website is a new initiative, thus, we keep on posting and updating the contents w.r.t. each topic. The links of the new topic will be activated on the All Topics index page. Bookmark the website in your browser. Keep visiting every week for new topics, tips, tricks, formulae, problems and calculators. Shortly, a question bank with multiple choice questions and a quick reference guide on all numerical aptitude topics will be launched. So subscribe to this website and receive notifications whenever new content is posted.

All the best. Happy Learning!